Our Partners

Our Schools

Math Matters intentionally works with middle school students to address a tutoring provider gap for these students. Few programs work with middle schoolers exclusively, and even fewer provide high-impact tutoring in math to this population. We are proud to work with the following middle schools to promote algebra readiness so our students can succeed in high school math and beyond.




Collaboration with GW Teach

High-Quality Curriculum

Designed in collaboration with DCPS Math Teachers by GWTeach Instructor SuJin Choi, our curriculum addresses gaps in students’ learning and constructs a strong foundation for our students. By strengthening foundational competencies like long multiplication and division, understanding of negative numbers, and order of operations, the Math Matters curriculum enables students to succeed in the material being presented in their middle school math classes and gives them the tools to access the more difficult concepts that build on these foundational competencies that will be presented in high school math. We solicit live feedback from our GW student tutors who are presenting the material to students in schools to improve our curriculum by refining the presentation and ensuring necessary content.


Expert Tutor Training

GW Math Matters tutors receive in-depth training on subject matter, content delivery, and relationship building to ensure effective tutoring sessions. Our tutors prioritize genuine, trusting relationships with their students and take time to get to know the students they work with to provide mentorship and support. Through GW Teach, we instruct tutors on how to effectively present curriculum and explain difficult concepts to students through methods that encourage their students’ critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Tutors can earn up to three credit hours for enrolling in training as a course at GW, and many further pursue an interest in Math and Science education through GW Teach’s minor in STEM teaching, creating a pathway from tutoring to teaching.  


Expanding the Scope and Impact of HIT with CityTutor DC

GW Math Matters is a member of the CityTutor DC coalition of schools, community organizations, and other stakeholders that is expanding access to HIT. As recipients of grant awards from OSSE’s HIT initiative, CityTutor DC and GW Math Matters partner to ensure the delivery of high-quality, standards-backed tutoring, with a unique focus on those students especially at risk or whose educational trajectory was disproportionately impacted by the pandemic. CityTutor DC in collaboration with another of our partners, Empower K12, enables us to effectively track student outcomes to ensure streamlined data collection and reporting so that we can continue to grow as a HIT provider.




Contact us at [email protected] or 202-994-9900